Venezia, Italy

I’ve always wanted to visit Venezia (Venice) Italy ever since I stayed at the Palazzo/Venetian hotel in Las Vegas LOL Now that I’ve been to Venezia, I think the Palazzo LV did an amazing job capturing and recreating the beauty of Venice! Hubby and I both loved Venice. In my opinion, it had similar vibes as Florence, Italy but way more ornate and charming. Sharing some pictures from our EU trip part I – Venice.

아름다운 이태리 베니스에 다녀왔어요.
베니스 하면 떠오르는게 라스베가스 Palazzo/Venetian 호텔인데 ㅎㅎ 직접 가보니 솔직히 베니스의 로맨틱함은 캡쳐하진 못하지만 Palazzo 호텔도 정말 비슷하게 잘 꾸며놓은거구나 싶더라구요. 베니스는 정말 낮에도, 밤에도 로맨틱하고 빛에 비추는 도시의 모습도 아름답고 (모기도 많고) 예쁜 도시였어요.

다 올리진 못하지만 여행사진 몇장 쉐어할게요-

Took Air France to get to Paris then Venice because there was no direct flight. Our itinerary is Venice – Amalfi – Paris.
에어프랑스 타고 출발! 일정은 베니스 – 아말피 – 파리 에요.
OMG I took this picture because that Gavottes thingy was BOMB. I wonder if I can get it here in US.
먹는거 사진 많이 안찍으려고 하는데 이 과자는 넘 맛있어서 미국돌아와서 찾아보려고 찍음…
We got in SO late because my plan to take a private water taxi from Venice airport to our hotel failed. Because of the Venice film festival, the private taxis were all sold out so we had to take Vaporetto (water bus). It took over an hour and half to get to our hotel which could have been a 20 min taxi ride. Oh well Things happen! Finally got to Baglioni Hotel Luna and literally had to run to the restaurant to eat something because we were starving after traveling 20+ hours. Man. What a journey.
베니스공항에서 워터택시를 타고 호텔로 이동하려고 했는데 베니스 국제영화제 때문에 워터택시가 다 솔드아웃.. 어쩔수없이 워터 버스를 타고 호텔 선박장까지 가게되었는데 한시간 반 넘게 아주 rough한 버스를 타고 겨우 도착했어요. 20시간 넘게 이동만 함ㅋㅋ 어디서 먹을까 고민할 상황이 아니라 그냥 호텔 레스토랑 문닫기전에 아무거나 시켜서 먹었어요. 그래도 맛있고 행복했음!
Hotel was super close (3 min walk) to Piazza San Marco – One of the famous Attractions in Venice, Italy. This was the main reason why I chose Baglioni Hotel Luna.
호텔은 샌 마르코 성당에서 3분거리에 있어요. 밥먹구 산책함!
Baglioni Hotel Luna Breakfast room. Whoa
발리오니 호텔 루나
아침먹으러 내려왔는데 너무 이쁨!
Carb Girl Summer
Weather was beautiful the whole time we were there!
Came to get a SIM card so I can finally get in touch with the world. I forgot to get one in Paris so I had to do some research on where to get it in Venice. If you are going to Venice, get SIM card at Vodafone! Not friendly but it was quick LOL
베니스에서 심카드는 보다폰에서 샀어요. 일하는 사람들이 그닥 친절하진 않은데 빨리빨리 해줬음.
SUSO gelato, Mango slush
Had a little Photoshoot in Italy.
I haven’t shared any pictures yet on my instagram because it didn’t turn out the way I wanted it to be.
Dropped by at the oldest cafe in Venice – Caffe Florian
베니스에서 가장 오래된 카페. 카페 플로리안
Aman Venice for lunch before we left to Amalfi Coast
Such beautiful decor I had to take 2039423 pictures lol
점심 먹으러 아만 베니스에 갔어요.
너 무 이 쁘 다
My travel partner <3
Dessert @ Aman Venice
Wearing Janessa Leone hat that got destroyed later this trip. Dress is Urban outfitters x Laura Ashley which I think is sold out.
Really wanted that painting but I wasn’t sure how I could bring it back home without damaging it. Next time!!
이 페인팅 사오고 싶었는데 어떻게 가져올지 엄두가 안나서..
Finally got to take a private water taxi to the airport. It was 100x nicer than the water bus we took the first day. Hubby loved it!
Ciao Venice!
Off to Amalfi Coast-

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